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Seventh Grade

The Seventh grade can be a tremendously challenging and rewarding year for the students.  The seventh-grader stands on the brink of puberty.

Not only are great physical changes taking place, but a major shift in cognitive development is also under way.  The children are enthusiastic to express themselves and to assert their independence more strongly.  Self-awareness and social relationships become a primary focus. 


Seventh Grade marks the birth of the intellect with the need to experiment and explore the world. Students at this age need to question authority, pushing the boundaries of what is known or allowed. Powers of reasoning are being exercised and judgments about the world are formed. The child is developing the capacity to stand back from its own feelings and with this distance can come perspective, the beginnings of objectivity.

Spring River’s 6th/7th Grade Class for 2023-24 is a blended group which will cover both 6th and 7th grade curriculums in a way that meets the needs of each student. We will start the year off reviewing and assessing within the scope of a Physics main block. In addition, students will read a group novel, review fractions, and work on creative writing. As the year progresses, each main lesson block will give room for students to work at their own level within the group. The rhythm of the group will allow students to connect to a continuum of 6th and 7th grade Waldorf-inspired curriculum.

Depending on the needs of an individual child, and the homeschooling plan the family is following, more study may be needed at home to complement the classes chosen at Spring River. Talk to your teacher or the program director for more information.  At Spring River, the parents are ultimately in charge of their children's education, and the school is here to supplement and support.

In seventh grade, the following curriculum components are introduced:

Main Lesson Subjects: covered daily (5, 3, and 2-day options)​:

  • Math:

    • Year Long - Review of fractions, decimals, and percentages before moving into Algebra

    • Block One - Ratios, Negative Numbers, Inequalities; powers, square roots, and graphing 

    • Block Two: Geometry - accurately draw geometric forms and perspective drawings with use of a protractor, straightedge and compass.

  • Language Arts:

    • Skills: Grammar, vocabulary, self-editing, note-taking, independent book reports, research

    • Blocks: Poetry and Ballads; Creative Writing; Critical Thinking through the study of literature and informational texts.

    • Cyber Civics: Information Literacy

  • Science: Physics (Mechanics and Electricity); Physiology; Inorganic Chemistry (Combustion, Acids, Bases, Salts, Lime cycle); Human Physiology

  • History & Social Studies: The Age of Explorers: Renaissance, Reformation/Age of Discovery

  • Geography:  Cultural World Geography; Map reading

  • Class Play: Each class will practice and perform a class play or presentation tied to the curriculum shared with class families.

Special Subjects (weekly)

  • World Language: Continuing Spanish instruction through art projects and developing a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture and artists. Learning new Spanish vocabulary, language structure, and simple sentence patterns. Grammar is taught in the context of oral communication.

  • Handwork: Hand sewing and embroidery

  • Sculptural Arts: Clay Modeling and sculpting

  • Painting/Drawing: Perspective drawing

  • Music: Recorder, singing, drumming and violin

  • Movement/Sports:  Explorer's Challenge, movement

During the year, your child's teacher will plan field trips to enhance what's being taught in class. Advance notice will be given and we encourage parents to plan to attend whenever possible.


Science is dominant in the middle school years, with several distinct areas of study.

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