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Eighth Grade


Eighth Grade signifies the end of the class teacher years. At Spring River, many of our 8th Grade students have been with the same teacher since 1st grade. This relationship and the curriculum of the middle school years will be brought to a culmination over the course of this final year before high school.

A new stage of development is beginning, one in which critical thinking will be the primary learning mode and where the generalist teacher of the grades will give way to the specialized instruction required by the high school student. In many ways Eighth Grade is a bridge, completing the second seven-year stage of childhood and establishing a foundation for the third seven-year stage which will lead into adulthood.

The end of the Middle School years is generally marked by a series of culminating events that may include individual project reports, a significant drama production, and a class trip.

At the end of 8th grade, students will launch into High School with skill, poise, and intention.


Depending on the needs of an individual child, and the homeschooling plan the family is following, more study may be needed at home to complement the classes chosen at Spring River. Talk to your teacher or the program director for more information.  At Spring River, the parents are ultimately in charge of their children's education, and the school is here to supplement and support.

In eighth grade, the following curriculum components are introduced:

Main Lesson Subjects: covered daily (5, 3, and 2-day options)

  • Special Project:  8th Grade students will be doing a self-guided project with an adult mentor they choose, completely self-driven and self-initiated.

  • Math:

    • Year Long: Algebra

    • Block One: Number Bases, percentages, proportions, area and volume.

    • Block Two: Geometry: Pythagorean Theorem/Platonic Solids

  • Language Arts:

    • Year Long project skills: Listening, Speaking, Oral Expression, Note taking.

    • Other Skills: Grammar, vocabulary, self-editing, note-taking, independent book reports, research

    • Blocks: Biography Work. Grammar and Mechanics. Writing Skills

    • Cyber Civics: Media Literacy

  • Science Blocks: Meteorology; Physics (electricity, aeromechanics, fluid mechanics): Organic Chemistry (kitchen chemistry - proteins, fats, lips); Anatomy (Muscles and Bones)

  • History & Social Studies: The Age of Revolutions: American, French and industrial. Early American History.  World History. Civics.

  • Geography Blocks: Study of Africa or Asia.  European or World Geography.  Research reports & trail diaries.

  • Class Play:  Each class will practice and perform a class play or presentation tied to the curriculum shared with class families.

Special Subjects (weekly)

  • World Language: Continuing Spanish instruction through art projects and developing a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture and artists. Learning new Spanish vocabulary, language structure, and simple sentence patterns. Grammar is taught in the context of oral communication.

  • Handwork:  Machine sewing - if possible

  • Sculptural Arts: Charcoal Drawing (Geometry).  Modeling. Geometric nets.

  • Painting/Drawings: Portraits

  • Music: Recorder, singing, drumming and violin

  • Movement/Sports: Primitive Skills/Movement

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