Second Grade

The curriculum and experiences in second-grade build on the foundations of the first-grade year, including the established relationship with their class teacher.
The theme of second grade is Animal Fables from Around the World and Legends of Sages and Saints. The fixed, predictable qualities of characters portrayed in Fables contrast with the high level of selflessness and courage revealed in the legends of important historical figures.
Classroom skills to be honed are class and small group discussion and experiencing a story and envisioning outcomes.
Main Lesson & Academic Subjects
Math: Read & Write numbers up to 1,000; Four operations of arithmetic, beginning multiplication, mental math, word problems; columnal addition, borrowing and carrying. Skip counting through song working towards time table mastery; Continue to deepen undersatnding of place value through the thousands.
Language Arts: Parts of Speech; practice use of punctuation; group and independent reading & writing; read & write/print uppercase & lowercase letters; encoding & decoding phonics rules/vowel patterns, sight words, spelling; memorization and recitation of verses, poetry and song story elements orally; create artistic rednersings based on comprehension of stories told and read aloud; participate in teacher-led group writing to demonstrate understanding of stories.
Form Drawing
Science: Nature stories; Nature walks in all seasons to forest and scientific observations and experiments focusing on local plants, animals, and classroom surroundings.
Geography: Home and School Surroundings
History: History is brought forth through the study of Western and Multicultural stories that encompass wisdom from other traditions, including Native American Tales.
Class Play: Each class will practice and perform a class play or presentation tied to the curriculum shared with class families
Special Subjects
World Language: Introduction to Spanish through songs, stories, rhymes, imitation, and gesture
Handwork: Knitting & hand sewing, 2 projects
Sculptural Arts: Beeswax modeling
Painting: Watercolor painting
Music: Singing in rounds, drumming, and introduction to instruments
Handwork: Introduction to knitting, 2 projects
Movement: Rythmic circle games, bean bags, jump rope, hand clapping
Depending on the needs of an individual child, and the homeschooling plan the family is following, more study may be needed at home to compliment the classes chosen at Spring River. Talk to your teacher or Pedagogical Chair for more information. At Spring River, the parents are ultimately in charge of their children's education, and the school is here to supplement and support.