Spring River High School
Homeschool Courses 2024-25 (9th-11th Grade)
A Waldorf-Inspired, Community Supported Education Program

We are excited to roll out Homeschool High School Programming for the 2024-25 school year, offering classes at the 9th, 10th, and 11th Grade Levels. Classes meet LIVE indoors with a rich outdoor ecological and land steward component in Atlantic Beach, Florida. Curate your own high school experience with full and part-time offerings by following our morning Academic Track or choosing from a variety of afternoon Elective offerings that will fit perfectly with other homeschooling options such as Florida Virtual, the Jamie York Academy, Seasons of Seven, and others.
We are a direct provider of STEP UP FOR STUDENTS scholarships for homeschoolers!
Don't miss out! Secure your spot now by enrolling NOW! We offer convenient monthly payment plans. We are excited to offer free trial days, giving you a risk-free opportunity to experience our program.
We look forward to embarking on this innovative journey with you all. Please see below for programming details, or go HERE for Tuition and Enrollment Information.
What will a day look like in High School?
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Course Offerings for 2024-25
Academic Track Offerings (9th or 10th Grade)
Bundled Courses - Geometry and English 1
Meeting weekly Monday - Wednesday
Geometry and English 1 are bundled for a combined tuition of $5,100 with a supply fee of $175 to cover basic classroom supplies for both classes.
These classes are part of the Full Offering for a total tuition of $11,500
These bundled courses meet from 9:15 - 12:30 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Atlantic Theaters.

This year long course begins with analytical geometry, looking at the Cartesian coordinate system, linear equations, and calculations of slope, midpoint, and distance. Students learn the basics of Euclidean geometry, including points, lines, rays, planes, and polygons. Working with polygons, students explore triangles. Students study circles and figures in three dimensions at the end of the year.​
This course meets for a total of 145 hours
Ms. Rosie is the Spring River Geometry Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Homework is estimated at two - three hours per week in addition to the instructional time.
In this course, students will focus on the development of self through literature, using the text In Short: A Collection of Brief Creative Nonfiction by Judith Kitchen and Mary Paumier Jones. They will begin with essential writing skills that will serve as the foundation for their growth as writers.
The course will include readings of novels such as I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai, which helps students understand the development of self and the power of individual action, and Animal Farm by George Orwell, which explores themes of power, corruption, and the betrayal of ideals. Additionally, students will read short stories exploring themes of kindness, trust, cultural identity, and family dynamics.
Students will also study Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, gaining an understanding of the historical context, language evolution, and the elements of tragedy. Students will end the year with a performance of Romeo and Juliet.
This course meets for a total of 145 hours
Ms Dana is the Spring River English Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Outside reading, group work and homework estimated at 3 hours per week beyond instructional hours.
Bundled Courses - Science 1 and World History 1
Meeting weekly Thursday & Friday
Science 1 (Biology) and World History 1 are bundled for a combined tuition of $3,500 with a supply fee of $200 to cover basic classroom supplies for both classes.
These classes are part of the Full Offering for a total tuition of $11,500
These bundled courses meet from 9:15 - 12:30 PM on Thursdays and Fridays at Atlantic Theaters.

​Biology is the study of living things. This course will cover the basics of cell biology, specifically the structure, function, reproduction and biochemistry of different cell types. In addition the evolution, taxonomy and genetics of life will be taught. Students will also explore the adaptations of life in a variety of ecosystems. The curriculum includes exercises that promote comprehension and critical thinking, interactive activities, and hands-on laboratory sessions.
This course meets for a total of 90 hours
Ms Jill is the Spring River Science Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Outside reading, group work and homework estimated at 2 hours per week beyond instructional hours.
We will study three blocks in World History 1.
The Age of Revolutions (17 week block)
Students will explore three Political Revolutions – the American, French, and Chinese Revolutions, along with the notable and influential philosophers and statesmen involved. Students will craft a presentation,incorporating an artistic component, focusing on a revolution not addressed in the course.
History Through Art (8 week block)
Students will survey Art across the ages, from prehistoric times to the Renaissance. They will study the art of each era, observe visual representations, and have the chance to recreate the art they have seen.
Mythology (8 week block)
This course focuses primarily on the myths and folklore of different cultures. Students will study Greek, Roman & Asian Mythologies and Mythologies from the Americas.
This course meets for a total of 90 hours
Ms. Lanie is the Spring River History Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Homework is estimated at one-two hours per week in addition to the instructional time.
Academic Track Offerings (10th or 11th Grade)
Bundled Courses - Algebra 2 and English 2
Meeting weekly Monday-Wednesday
Algebra 2 and English 2 are bundled a combined tuition of $5,100 with a supply fee of $175 to cover basic classroom supplies for both classes.
These classes are part of the Full Offering for a total tuition of $11,500
These bundled courses meet from 9:15 - 12:30 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Atlantic Theaters.

The focus of this course is helping students develop mathematical thinking. Students determine mathematical relationships between all operations and numbers and use this knowledge to model situations with mathematics and reason about these situations abstractly and quantitatively. The concepts students apply in the realm of pure mathematics and then model in real work situations will be real number systems, expressions and equations, graphs, functions, linear relationships, exponents and radicals, polynomials, quadratic relationships, complex numbers, linear algebra, exponential functions, transformations, and intro to trigonometry.
This course meets for a total of 145 hours
Ms. Rosie is the Spring River Geometry Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Homework is estimated at two - three hours per week in addition to the instructional time.
In this course, students will embark on a journey of self-discovery through the study of short stories, a hero’s journey with both fiction and nonfiction novels, and poetry that explores nature and self-reflection. The course will begin with an emphasis on creative writing, where students will delve into the art of storytelling by exploring literary techniques through the works of various authors.
Later in the course, students will transition to nonfiction writing, applying the creative techniques they have mastered to craft works that are expressive and purposeful. They will learn to align their writing with the topic, audience, and purpose, design and execute a research plan, interview sources, provide balanced treatments of topics, and engage their audience effectively.
Additionally, students will engage in the study of poetry, with a deep exploration of "House of Light" by Mary Oliver. Through this study, students will connect with nature and themselves, further discovering their own journey while uncovering the powerful impact that words have on one’s self.
This course meets for a total of 145 hours
Ms Dana is the Spring River English Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Outside reading, group work and homework estimated at 3 hours per week beyond instructional hours.
Bundled Courses - Science 2 and World History 2
Meeting weekly Thursday & Friday
Science 2 and World History 2 are bundled for a combined tuition of $3,500 with a supply fee of $200 to cover basic classroom supplies for both classes.
These classes are part of the Full Offering for a total tuition of $11,500
These bundled courses meet from 9:15 - 12:30 PM on Thursdays and Fridays at Atlantic Theaters.

The theme of World History 2 is "Communities and Connections."
Explore the development and interactions of various cultures and societies. This course will focus on themes such as Hierarchy and Community, Migration and Exchange, Humans and the Environment, and Progress and its Consequences.
Students will engage in activities that mirror historians' methods of reconstructing and analyzing the past, conducting through research, formulating intricate arguments, supporting logical stances with concrete evidence, and examining cause-and-effect relationships resulting from the decisions of individuals and groups. The course spans from the Neolithic Revolution starting in 10,000 BCE to the present day.
This course meets for a total of 90 hours
Ms. Lanie is the Spring River History Teacher and her Bio can be found HERE.
Homework is estimated at one-two hours per week in addition to the instructional time.

We have three distinct blocks in Science 2
Chemistry I: Organic Chemistry (9 weeks)
Organic Chemistry explores the realms of living organisms. Throughout this course, students will delve into the plant life cycle to grasp the fundamentals of organic chemistry and its connection to life processes.
Chemistry II: Acids, Bases, Salts (8 weeks)
This course is designed to familiarize students with a different aspect of chemistry, where quantity plays a crucial role, reactions are rapid and measurable, often leading to instant visible outcomes, and life is not directly related.
Ecology (16 weeks)
Place-based Coastal and Marine Biology
Our Place-Based Ecology course is a journey into the intricate relationship between ecocultural landscapes and the interplay of human interaction. It delves into the co-evolution of landscapes, the profound influence of local communities in shaping and preserving these environments, and the disruptive forces impacting these delicate ecosystems. Our course is designed to ignite the passion of our students, who are our future innovators, problem solvers, and lifelong earth stewards.
This course meets for a total of 90 hours
Ms Jill is the Spring River Science Teacher for Ecology and Ms. Michelle will be teaching Chemistry. Their Bios can be found HERE.
Outside reading, group work and homework estimated at 2 hours per week beyond instructional hours.
Elective Offerings (9th, 10th or 11th Grade)
We have thoughtfully assembled a variety of elective offerings for high schoolers that serve to honor their desire at this age to choose classes that interest them and inspire them to dream big! These a la carte high school electives offer immersive and hands on experiences led by expert, vibrant and innovative teachers.
These electives are the perfect addition to our morning academic track classes or to a homeschool offering of your choosing. Students who are busy in online programs during the morning will be grateful for the opportunity to meet in person with others to explore topics in the area of world languages, fine arts, music, PE, and culinary arts.​
Electives are available as part of the Full Offering or as individual a la carte offerings.
Two day electives meet either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday and are offered at an annual tuition of $625.
One day Electives are on Wednesdays and offered at a tuition of $380
All Classes meet at Atlantic Theaters
Supply fees vary (see below)
Elective Offerings Meeting weekly Mondays and Tuesdays

Farm-to-Table/Culinary Arts
Meets: Monday & Tuesdays 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Start Date: September 9th, 2024
Tuition: $625 annually
Supply Fee: $75
This year-long class studies all facets of agricultural practices, spanning “from farm to table.” We will compare and contrast ancient agricultural practices with contemporary ones, encompassing both large-scale industrial farming and local systems. Students will acquire valuable skills to make informed decisions regarding their nutrition, food choices and how they can advocate for food systems that will promote their well-being and benefit the environment,
Culinary nutrition will be explored by combining food science with cooking skills to craft nutritious and fulfilling snacks for the class on a weekly basis. Guest instructors from local farms and restaurants will share their knowledge and skills with the students.
This course will incorporate both artistic and practical elements, such as constructing wooden structures to support an urban garden, engaging in composting, planting, and harvesting. Moreover, students will have the opportunity to participate in planning, creating, and serving seasonal community dinners throughout the year.

Physical Education & Movement
Meets: Monday & Tuesdays 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Start Date: September 9th, 2024
Tuition: $625 annually
No Supply Fee
The main focus of this course is to engage students on a personal level through tailored activities. To accomplish this, our class will provide physical education exercises that help students relax and expand their perspectives. Our PE lessons are concerned with life as it is experienced between two polarities: learning to fall and then regaining balance. Our carefully selected activities, like circuit training, targeted games, and mindfulness practices such as qi gong, encourage students to bond and seek inner equilibrium.
Elective Offerings Meeting weekly on Wednesdays only

Meets: Wednesdays 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Start Date: September 11th, 2024
Tuition: $380 annually
Supply Fee $100
Throughout this course, students will learn how to convey visual concepts through fundamental photographic techniques that blend historical and contemporary practices. Engaging in project-oriented lessons, each students’ potential is nurtured through hands-on guidance and enjoyable assignments. The curriculum covers composition, structure, perspectives, and visual storytelling through the lens.
Students will also be given opportunities to support the creation of the Spring River Yearbook after school hours.

Music Appreciation
Meets: Wednesdays 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Start Date: September 11th, 2024
Tuition: $380 annually
Supply Fee $50
After School Music Ensemble available at additional price
Through the study of music, we refine our capacities to connect, harmonize, and resolve dissonances; we learn to think and make sound judgments. We develop our heads, hearts, and limbs by singing, playing instruments, and learning the history and rudiments of music. Music builds life skills such as listening, team building, communicating, and being flexible in the moment.
Ms. Linda will also offer after school opportunities for ensemble work with orchestra and band at additiona pricing.
Elective Offerings Meeting weekly Thursdays and Fridays

Latin 1
Meets: Thursdays & Fridays 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Start Date: September 5th, 2024
Tuition: $625 annually
Supply Fee $25
This class serves as an introductory course designed to spark students’ interest in Latin and give them a foundation for further learning. Over the course of the academic year, students will explore Latin within the context of Roman culture and history, engaging in reading, comprehension, and interpretation of Latin texts.

2D & 3D Fine Art
Meets: Thursdays & Fridays 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Start Date: September 5th, 2024
Tuition: $625 annually
Supply Fee $150
These carefully designed courses will be offered in 6–8-week blocks, allowing students to practically and artistically express a multi-perspective of themselves, the world, and others. These projects will evoke, nurture, and apply the powers of the student imagination.
2D Black and White Drawing
2D Printmaking
3D Mosaics/Clay Modeling
3D Prop Design